He lives in a house located in the north of Bogota in the street 200 with north highway. In the living room, he has furniture, on the wall he has a flat screen TV, under it there is sound equipment. The decoration is appropriate to the tastes of his wife. Also, there are curtains with veil, the environment conducive to children entertain and generate an comfortable atmosphere for that loving family. The house has three rooms. In the room for the children there are two beds, behind them there are a picture and between there is a bedside table. Also there is a curtain next to one of the beds. The main room has a private bathroom and it is the Manuel’s room and he shares it with his wife. In this room there is a bed, there are two bedside tables on each side of it. There is a gray carpet and at the back of the room there is a white dressing table. Finally, in the last room there is a bed, next to it there is a desk and on it there is a computer. The Manuel’s eld...
He is the most influential Colombian person because he is a scientist who made a vaccine against a parasite called the “protozoa” which causes a severe disease called malaria. This disease is very important because it causes a lot of death, about 1.5 million people per year. He is an important scientist for our culture for trying to save people health. Additionally, he is an honorable person, recognized for his humility and for being a philanthropist, which he demonstrated when he achieved the creation of the vaccine. In spite of the succulent economic offers he received, Patarroyo decided to donate the vaccine to the World Health Organization (WHO) with the only condition that its production and commercialization take place in his country, Colombia. This selfless action brought him numerous awards and distinctions and also the recognition of world public opinion. Therefore, this is why we think he is the most influential Colombian person.